My Bump =D

pregnancy week by week

Saturday, September 4, 2010

(16) MOFEW event

hoho lembab gile nk apdet kan??

okla straight to the point.(eventhough mcm pening2 tak larat sbb just got back from PWTC menjenguk LADY BEAUTIFUL event & DELSEY luggage clearance sale @ Legend Hotel)

MOFEW is Malaysia's Online Fashion Entrepreneur's Weekend
(refer my previous entry)

2010 ni 1st time la die buat.
Ramai gile excited nak join,pergi,participate etc ok!!

Overall okla,1st time lagipun kan.
kalau ada org pernah pegi bazar2 online shop/boutique buat (boleh refer emmagem) boleh imagine la macamana.

More like pasar malam la.
Yela, do not expect baju2 akan ber-iron, bersusun gantung cantik2 la sbb mostly sume buat parttime dgn online business kan?
Tapi seronok! Kalau u suke online shopping (or just online-window-shopping like me)=D.

I xpandai explain lebih2...enjoy the piccas!~~

ramai gile org ok! Makcik depan ni pun pergi nak support anak die kut

Here where i bought my new pendant.
The pendant was a hit! I dtg blk the booth after 15mins i beli pendant tu, dah habis dah design ni.

Design dulu2 tak? hihi
boleh letak gmbr ^^ (paham2 sendiri la nak letak gmbr sape kan? hihi)

..and here where i bought my new sling/clutch bag.

ah~ suke saye! ^^v

masuk MAS travel fair sat ^^ dgn tomomi
tomomi nk survey tiket blk nihon, i nak survey price for ticket g nihon juge
tp web punye yappari lebih murah (RM1050 tax n insurance included ho!)

fashion show from the participant..

meh kite tgk ape i dpt free from MOFEW k

SUBWAY sandwich coupon - expiry date end of this year. nyum~~

yg ni i xguna,
sape nak boleh i bg free
sile bagitau ye =D

yg ni pun...
from KFC chickymeal punye balance kut,
adik2 xde dah yg kecik...kena buang jela kut =P

booklet die..

eeee menariknyeee
kan? tp dah lepas dah event ni pun =P

comel kan? hihi ^^

haa yg ni best!
tp i xgi,
rasanye mawar g kan?
nak tak?? free je
14 days free pass!!
cepat2 inform sape yg nak

free potong rambut kat snips!
dapat 2,
cepat sape nak btau saye~

makeup juge~~

brazillian wax woho~
i xsanggup~
sape nak i boleh bg...ade dpt gak smsx2 FREE brazillian wax + mani,pedi kalau xsilap until end of this month...sape nak i fwd

emmagem booklet

tehehe the next day blk banting beli kerepek untuk encik husband dah pakai dah beg ni

mak pilih kerepek @ FAZZ <-- the best kerepek store ever!! hihi

kuih utk encik husband lak. dah try tat nenas die.
not bad la pada i yg bukan penggemar tat nenas pun.
die buat packaging kecik2 tau RM10-RM15 gitu.

since the pendant xde chain,
i amek chain wolverine punye letak kat pendant vintage punye design tu.
length die just nice!!

p/s: type pakai sedap tangan n bahasa sedap mulut n nak buat watermark for the pics tp xdek photoshop dlm tp nih.seddeeeyhhh~~


  1. hehehe banyaknyer freebies :) patutnya ain ajak skali asalkan bukan kat putrajaya hehe :p

    btw i like subway, tepanyaki, that snips, that gym thingy, that brazill thingy (tho x tau pon haha). basically mmg best la kot cuma bila nya pon ain leh kasi hehehe (tamak :p)

  2. banyak gile,
    tu tak g amek mystery coupon die,
    kalau tak boleh dpt cuti g Bali lagi.
    Lupa lak nk ajak ritu sbb ain g 2-3jam je kat situ pastu rushing balik la Mawar.

    Maybe next event I roger2 k ;)

    Mawa nak ek?

    Give me ur mail address, ain send kat mawa =D.
    1st come 1st serve, sape mintak cepat die dapat la hehe~~

    P/s: Brazillian wax = waxing ur pubic hair tau Mawa. That's why i dun dare to try hihi..
